Team development

Teams - and Leadership Teams in particular - exist to more efficiently achieve the goals of the organization: adaptability, engagement, and performance.  We help teams develop so that they can achieve their goals.


It Starts With Awareness

Various tools exist to help team members and the team as a whole understand their impact:


Adaptability: Establishing Team Dynamics

Teams don't just form and immediately make progress towards goals.  They must establish norms of behavior:

  • How do we deal with conflict?
  • How do we build trust?
  • What is our feedback process?
  • How do we ensure accountability?
  • How do we view and use our power?


engagement: building a leadership approach

Whether formal or informal, teams have a role to play in the leadership of an organization:

  • What is our vision and direction for the organization we lead?
  • What kind of culture are we building/reinforcing?
  • How do we ensure cross-team synergies?
  • What is our communication and messaging to the organization?
  • How do we motivate and influence others?


performance: working effectively towards goals

Effective team performance is the ultimate goal:

  • Strategic Planning / Roadmapping
  • Tactical Execution
  • Decision Making Processes
  • Course Corrections
  • Problem-Solving